Holy cow! My last post was back in 2013!
I guess life just drags you into its adventures and blogging becomes last worry to kids, husband, home and work!! Then why and Im here, you ask!? I dont know. Maybe for more personal reasons like just marking down things that are happening when they happen. Diary type deal.
Im in a MUCH better place then I was back in 2013. Things have started to happen for me and I couldnt be happier with the changes that are taking place.
First updates:
*Still married.
*Still living in VA. (but not for long!!!) We have been looking for a new house and debating on moving back to California.
*Cliff got a great job with the Government after he left the Dept of State last year. Its telework! Which means he is home now!!
*Still have four kids! Thats it for us. For real this time! Robs now a fresh faced teen heading into high school this coming year. Jades a sassy pre-teen heading into middle school this coming year. Justin is still the sweetest little turtle to be brought into this world and my Lily is turning into miss personality with the funniest jokes that will leave you rolling! I honestly have some of the most amazing kids on this planet!!!
*Still have the naked pig dog.
*Still have Shadow cat.
*Sadly, we lost our cat Lady after a good 15 years on earth to liver failure and cancer. It was a long battle and she went peacefully next to me on the way to the vet. I was taking her in to put her to sleep but she decided to allow me to not have to make that decision. She went out on her own terms and Im at peace with that. We had her cremated and she sits on a shelf overlooking the living room where we gather as a family. I miss her dearly but I know she is happier over the rainbow bridge and waiting for us!
*We adopted a new kitten. Her name is Harley and she is ADORABLE! Lady 2.0 basically.
*Im waiting to hear back about on a job offer to work at a local doctors office. Lots of stuff going on behind the sceen so I have to just hang in there .
*Im still selling Thirty-One! www.mythirtyone.com/rnewton Dont be a stranger!! Come party with me!!
*Ive taken on the task of being the marketing and media manager of a new non-profit foundation. Its called The Raylans Wings Foundation. www.facebook.com/raylanswings Its probably the most healing and wonderful thing I could be doing in my life! I decided to volunteer and help my friend with this after the still-birth of my little sisters son. Having had my own losses, I decided this was a perfect way to honor the babies and help others at the same time. We are planning for our first Quarter Auction in April! We are looking for volunteers and vendors so if you know anyone who wants to get in on a great cause, send them our way!!!
This is something I really am taking seriously. For the first time in a long time, my life has direction and a healthy outlet!
*Im still just as loud mouth and opinionated as I have ever been. A little less trigger happy though. I now know how to sit back, listen and question when confronted with a problem, Im a little more laid back with things. I started to mediate and absorb the positive energy around me and am learning to discard the negative. About 2 years ago I took on a new path. I started to study Wicca and natures elements. Its been the most amazing and uplifting journey. Ive meet some amazing people along the way and its opened my heart and mind to so many things in this world that I was so closed off to.
My depression has since faded into but a mere flicker of what it was when it took over my life before that. I did have to go back on anti-depressants this past November for severe anxiety but that was due to major life changes happening. Im more centered and at peace now.
I guess that's it. Ive just been keeping busy and keeping away from negativity. Only love and light welcome here!!!