Saturday, December 18, 2010


I have had 3 babies totally unplanned. All "oopsie" babies. Haleigh was an "oopsie" baby as well. Now, when we actually want a baby, it doesn't happen. Ive taken 5 tests in the last two weeks. All came back neg.

I know my body needs time to bounce back from the miscarriage. My uterus needs time to repair and rebuild. But its so hard to play the waiting game.

I just want to see a + or double line one of these days. Im thinking we will play it safe till February or March. Just so I know my body has had enough time to do what it has to do.

Love you Haleigh! Thank you for watching over us and talking some sense into my head. Im a very impatient woman as Im sure God has told you. I just need to slow down. Mommy thinks of you every day!

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