Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh Justin... you make mommy crazy!

I gotta get this out. Ill be all over the place due to little sleep and emotional distress. Plus there will be typos because I have to phone blog since MWH is too cheap to get wi-fi in patients rooms lol

If anyone knows Justins story, you'll know he is known for giving me grey hairs from the beginning of his little life up til now.

Yesterday I had a healthy happy 2 year old. He was bouncing off the walls last night and seemed fine. But that all changed at 430 this morning.

Cliff had woken up out of a dead sleep for some reason. He kept trying to go back to sleep but couldn't. He went into the kids bathroom to find the toilet running so he fixed it and Justin woke up. Cliff went to get him and as he was bringing him into the bedroom he told me Justin felt really hot. So I took his temp and it was 101.7. Nothing really serious in my eyes since we have all been fighting a nasty cold. I laid him next to me and he asked if he could nurse ("have milk, mama?") So I began to nurse him. No more then 20 seconds into nursing he stopped, began to shake a little and cry. I said his name and told him it was okay because I though maybe he had been scared by the dark or something but within seconds I knew what was happening. He stopped crying, his eyes fixated forward and he began to convulse. I quickly laid him on his side. Cliff started freaking out and I grabbed my phone which I keep on my nightstand and called 911.

That had to be the longest minute of my entire life.

I quickly pulled some pants on while Justin was seizing and scoped him up and moved him downstairs to the front hall to wait for his seizure to stop and to wait for EMS to get to our house. Cliff was still in panic mode and was not making things easy for me. I've been trained to handle things like this but never did I think Id have to be using my training on my own baby or telling the father of my baby to walk away and calm down because the baby didn't need the added stress when he came out of the seizure. I've never seen Cliff like that and I felt horrible having to leave him behind but I needed to.

Justin finally stopped seizing and I kept talking to him until EMS showed up. He was so tired and pale. EMS got to our house, did their eval and we were on an ambulance within minutes headed to the hospital. Justin was so cranky on the ride over but had zero energy to do anything more then cry.

We got to the ER where they did chest xrays and a CAT scan along with blood work. Everything came back clean except his blood iron count and his hemocrit count. They retook blood to rerun it and it came back the same. Normal Hemocrit count would be above 30 but Justin was at 17. So the doc told me they needed to transfer him to Mary Washington because Stafford medical didn't have a pediatric unit and Justin needed to be seen because the iron thing was not right.

We were transported by ambulance to Mary Washington Hospital shortly after and for the first time all morning I saw my Justin smile. He laughed on the ride over and he was in awe of the cool ambulance! He was so stinking cute!

So far we have spoken to 1 doctor, Doctor Brown. She got our story and started telling me about some kind of blood disorder or something that she though fit the symptoms of what JT was going through but she wanted to run it by a hematologist up at Childrens Hospital in DC. She came back a few hours later and said the hematologist agreed that it sounded like transient erythroblastopenia of childhood. Something to do with his bone marrow not producing red blood cells. I'm kind of lost in the medical terminology right now so I'm not 100% sure what everything means. We have to stay overnight for observation and more blood work in the morning. Hopefully things start to look up for him in the blood cell department.

That's where we stand right now. No seizures since and he seems happy and playful. The Tylenol is keeping him tamed since he has been napping here and there. He finally fell asleep around 6 which allowed me to sleep a little. He woke up and was playing in his crib/bed the entire time and didn't make a peep while I slept. I woke up to check on him and there was his little cheesy grin. We talked a little and I told him to watch some TV because mommy was so sleepy and wanted to lay down again. He goes "okay" and laid down. I said "I love you, baby" and he goes "lub you, mom". Sweet music to my ears. I laid back down and fell asleep. He must of dozed off again because the nurse came in to check on him and I woke up. She said she wouldn't bug him because he looked so peaceful. He fell back asleep, too!

I'm so thankful right now. I'm thankful that my baby boy pulled through that seizure. I'm so thankful that God has given me the strength and knowledge to remain calm and provide the care he needed. God was helping my child through me. I'm so thankful for my husband and childrens loving words and encouragement. I am so thankful for my family and their prayers. And I am so thankful for my friends who have been praying and thinking of my sweet Justin and my family.

My Justie will pull through this. He is a tough cookie. I know my baby and after all our ER visits and hospital stays, I know he is just making sure he is my last baby. LOL!

1 comment:

  1. I'm all about getting second opinions. I'm not saying Dr. Brown isn't a good Doc, or your Ped is a bad Ped, but 30 mins up the road we have fantastic hospitals and I know when my Mom had her first cancer, she got two or three different opinions from Georgetown and another cancer institute in the area. Not that JT has Cancer, but whatever he may have there are so many pediatric specialists that it can't hurt to go to Fairfax Inova, or take a trip to see one of the Docs at Childrens and have him tested there.
    Then there's my best friends brother who has colitis and has spent the last 10 years with a doc in Faquier, until he was literally knocking on deaths door after losing 50 pounds and their pastor told him to get to UVA med center immediatly. He's now got a great doctor at UVA (about an hour from their home, but big deal) and he's doing SO much better!! Of course, I just want the best for you guys and I know we're in an area where our medical care and expertise is incredible!! I'll keep praying for you, and for God to keep His loving arms around your family. I'll pray for Him to guide and protect you as you journey through the unknown with your sweet little JT!!


*Please note that while your advice and opinions are welcome, please comment in a respectful manner. Id offer the same if this was your post. Please refrain from any lude or unkind words. Thank you ~ R. Newton*