Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dont read it if you dont wanna get freaked out a little...

Okay, you will not get me alone in my basement again. No way! No how!

Seriously, if you don't believe in the super natural, or if you think I'm nuts for my ghost stuff, walk away now. I really don't care.


It was about 1045 last night when I heard a noise in the basement. After 4 minutes of yelling at my husband to go see what it was, I got fed up with him and went to check myself. I open the basement door and yell "If you're down there you better run, I got a gun" lol I was lying lmao but it made me giggle a little.

So Cliff follows me down(the strongest always takes the lead haha) and we check things out and nothing is out of place. So whatever, we start to look at his patch work on the ceiling. We are talking about it and just standing there when all of a sudden I get the WORSE chills ever and the feeling of "get the hell out of there" comes over me so I look at Cliff and start to move towards the hallway and I tell him " I gotta go. I cant be in here." I HATE when I get that feeling. Its happened before. I can walk into a house and pick up on something if its there and I can tell in a matter of minutes just by the vibes I get if it wants me there or not. Cliff was fine. No chills or anything but it felt like someone had seriously pointed a vent on me and just let cold air flow on me. The AC was off. The vents in the basement are closed.

Okay so fast forward to tonight.

Cliff is laying on the couch and he says "hey babe?" I'm sitting here at the computer and I'm like "what?" He is like "never mind Ill ask you later." I'm thinking he wants something so I ask him to spell it out or something. He says "I keep seeing something out of the corner of my eye over by the Live, Laugh, Love picture frame. Its happened 3 times already."

So, I'm thinking this could explain the headache Ive had for the last few minutes. I tend to get headaches or chills or just weird feelings when I start to feel things. I call them my spidey senses lol Ive been this way since I was a kid. My family is so weird about stuff like that though so I never had anyone to talk to about it. They would probably call me nuts if I told them even now.

Anywho, Im thinking about having the new house blessed before we move in. It will make me feel more at ease. It may not stop things from happening but it will keep any negitive energy out.

Okay bed time. Tomorrow is open house for the kids! 10am for Chillie 2pm for Bubby. Exciiiiiiting!

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