Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I got this idea from Alyssa, who got it from

{one} what is your biggest pet peeve?
 People who are two faced.

{two} what is your favorite dessert?

Nothing beats apple pie with ice cream!

{three} what is the first thing you notice about people?

I have no clue. My boobs?

{four} are you usually late, early or right on time?

Its a tie between right on time and late.

{five} have you ever fired a gun?

I own one and have fired it on many occassions.

{six} are you right-handed or left-handed?


{seven} which do you prefer: coke or pepsi?

Neither. Im a tea drinker.

{eight} do you dance crazy when no one is looking?

I dance crazy anytime in front of anyone.

{nine} what’s your favorite movie snack?


{ten} do you scream on roller coasters?

Yes. Out of pure joy!

okay, now you go!

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